Currently Ongoing Activities


Two projects are currently underway with a total investment of $1.90 billion USD to upgrade Suez Oil Processing Company (SOPC) and the Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO). These projects are expected to contribute to an annual reduction of 340,000 tons of equivalent carbon dioxide emissions.

In the SOPC project, energy efficiency measures include the establishment of an energy management system, recovery of flare gases, and the upgrading of heating and steam systems. For the GASCO project, the focus is on waste heat recovery from turbine exhaust to generate electricity and doubling operational efficiency. These initiatives not only align with sustainability goals but also contribute to a more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient petroleum sector.

The Center of Excellence for Energy Transition

Completing the establishment of the Center of Excellence and the necessary training equipment, engaging companies with organizations, and collaborating with workforce enterprises in the field of energy efficiency are ongoing initiatives. Additionally, partnerships are being forged with research laboratories, universities, and startups engaged in scientific research, development, and technology advancement related to energy efficiency improvement.

Implementing the petroleum sector Energy Efficiency Strategy priorities

In collaboration with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, training programs will be organized to enhance the capabilities of the workforce in the field of energy efficiency. This will include conducting field visits to three companies and releasing guidelines for operating equipment and production units to achieve energy consumption reduction. Additionally, an energy management system will be implemented in accordance with the international standard ISO 50001.

Furthermore, a sustainable mechanism for obtaining the needed financial resources for energy efficiency & renewable energy projects. The funding mechanism involves revolving financing and performance contracts.