Duties & Responsibilities of EE Departments

The duties and responsibilities of EE Departments at the MOP and its affiliated companies were established as follows:

Energy Efficiency and Climate Department at the Ministry of Petroleum

According to the ministerial decree of establishing the Energy Efficiency and Climate Department (EECD) in the MOP, the following objectives and responsibilities have been defined:

    • Achieve energy efficiency sustainability and encourage the use of new & renewable in the petroleum sector companies.

    • Develop, implement, monitor and update energy policies and strategies in coordination with the Egyptian General Petroleum Cooperation (EGPC) and the Holding Companies.

    • Follow up the implementation of the Higher Energy Efficiency Committee recommendations and decisions, and provide assistance to the HEC committee technical secretariat.

    • Collaborate with the Energy Efficiency Unit at the cabinet of Ministers.

    • Supervise the activities of the energy efficiency departments at EGPC and Holding Companies and their affiliated companies.

    • Ensure the development, accuracy and completion of the energy consumption database and the Energy Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) for the petroleum sector.

    • Ensure an on-going implementation of energy technical audit, and set priorities and mechanisms for implementing its recommendations.

    • Secure the necessary funds for energy efficiency activities.

    • Set Energy efficiency technical standards for high-energy consumption equipment, and expand their use in the Petroleum companies.

    • Provide specialized energy efficiency training programs for sectors' employees.

    • Promote energy conservation awareness in collaboration with the concerned authorities.

    • Measure the progress in the execution plan of energy efficiency and conservation at the petroleum companies and reviewing objectives and set priorities in terms of changing demands and update as needed.

Energy Efficiency Department at the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation & the Holding companies Responsibilities

    • Achieve energy efficiency sustainability and encourage the use of new & renewable in the petroleum sector companies.

    • Participate in the development, coordination and implementation of energy efficiency & conservation policies and strategies in cooperation with the petroleum sector higher energy committee.

    • Implement the strategic objectives set by the top management within a predefined schedule.

    • Participate in the establishment of the energy management system and maintain the system effectiveness in affiliated companies.

    • Promote an ongoing awareness of energy policies, objectives, conservation in affiliated companies

    • Provide energy efficiency specialized training programs in affiliated companies.

    • Provide project ideas to improve the company's energy efficiency and adopt ideas in this regard.

    • Monitor and verify the implementation of energy efficiency measures in the affiliated companies based on the submitted reports, which include:

1-  Identifying less energy efficiency performance units.

2-  Plans, objectives and priorities for energy efficiency measures.

3-  Monitoring & verifying the progress in energy consumption reduction.

    • Encourage affiliated companies to consider the implementation use renewable solutions, such as solar water heating and generate electricity by solar cells, especially in production sites.

    • Establish standards and procedures for purchasing energy-intensive equipment that support the use of high-efficiency equipment.

    • Submit a quarterly report to Energy Efficiency & Climate Department at the MOP describing the status of Energy Efficiency activities, measures and projects.

Energy Efficiency Department in Affiliated Companies Responsibilities

    • Implement goals and strategies set by the top management, and adhere to the set schedule.

    • Establish an energy management system and maintain its effectiveness to ensure continuous improvement.

    • Prepare and maintain the energy register for the company / site.

    • Identify energy-intensive consuming equipment and employees, who have direct influence on energy consumption (labor - contractors ... etc.)

    • Identify the Direct variables affecting energy use.

    • Prepare a list of projects and studies to rationalize and improve energy use.

    •  Set goals, develop implementation action plans, and provide the necessary resources.

    • Preparing and implementing the training and awareness programs necessary to raise the efficiency of the company's energy use operations.

    • Set a mechanism for external and internal communication about energy management projects and systems.

    • Utilize energy management system documents, records, reports, and database to reinforce energy efficiency decisions as well as maintain their accuracy and updates.

    • Set energy efficiency standards and codes, which should be referred to when purchasing new equipment or products.

    • Monitor and verify periodically efficiency program results.

    • Take the necessary corrective and preventive measures.

    • Exploit and explore best practices and new technologies in the energy efficiency domain and test their practical applicability in the Egyptian petroleum sector.

    • Ensure continuous improvement through overcoming obstacles to implement energy efficiency cavities.

    • Update goals and implementation plans for energy efficiency and management projects.

    • Prepare periodic reports and questionnaires and set timetable for submitting them to the concerned authorities.