
Previous Ministers

  • He was born on the 7th of August 1920, in Al Fayoum
  • He was graduated from the Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Department in 1941.
  • He started his career as a petroleum engineer in the Egyptian English company – Oil Wells, at the fields of the Red Sea and Sinai.
  • He was promoted till he reached the post of President of the Red Sea region in 1955, and remained in this position until the end of 1957.
  • He Participated in Egyptian zing the petroleum operating companies in Egypt in December 1957 as he has concluded that the best mechanisms for Egyptian zing the Petroleum Industry is to create the General Petroleum Company - GPC as the first 100% state-owned company, and he was chosen to be the director of operations management at the company in January 1958 until December 1961.​
  • He was awarded the Republic Medal of the 3rd degree by the late President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1958 in recognition of his efforts.
  • He was appointed as the first General Director of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation in December, 1961.
  • He was awarded the Medal of Industry and Trade of the 1st class in 1963.
  • He served as the first president of the Egyptian General Petroleum Authority board of director’s administration in 1968.
  • He was appointed as the Minister of State for Petroleum and Mineral Resources Affairs in May 1971.​

  • He started his career in the petroleum industry as a chemical Engineer in the Egyptian British Oil Wells Company (currently Al Nassr petroleum) in 1946, and then he was appointed as the Manager of the Refinery of the company in 1960.
  • He ​Worked in Shell Company when it was owned and operated by the foreigners, then he worked at the same company under the ownership of the public sector.
  • He took part in the Petroleum Industry Egyptianizing Operation.
  • He was appointed as Deputy General Manager of the General Petroleum Authority for refining in February 1964, then he was appointed as General Manager of the Authority in August 1968, afterwards he became chairman of the petroleum corporation on the 4th of October 1971.
  • ​He joined Nasser High Military Academy which qualified him to set a full plan to secure Egypt's needs of petroleum during the war of October 1973 and after it.
  • He took charge of the first independent Ministry of Petroleum in Egypt in March 1973 till the year 1984, during this period mining was merged with petroleum within the same ministry.
  • He played a major role in planning the use of petroleum as a weapon during October 1973 war on the Arab level and the domestic one.
  • He was appointed as the Deputy Prime Minister for production and minister of petroleum in 1981.​
  • He was granted the Nile badge of honor as a result of his efforts in serving his country.​

  • He was born on the 2nd of March 1935 in Al Zarqa, Damietta.
  • He was graduated from the Faculty of Science-Ain Shams University in 1956.
  • He started his career as a chemist in the Petroleum Pipelines Company.
  • He worked as a head of the Quality Control Department in the EGPC.
  • He was appointed as Head of the Refining Economics and Programs Department in the EGPC in 1964.
  • He joined the Petroleum Institute in Milan, Italy and graduated from it in 1964.​​
  • He was appointed as Operations Manager in The Petroleum Corporation as a result of his fruitful efforts in facing the petroleum products shortage during the 1967 war.
  • He was appointed as Processing and Refining Section Manager in the Petroleum Authority in 1971 which was transformed to the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation – EGPC, then he was appointed as Deputy Manager of the Corporation for Processing and Refining Affairs in March 1973.
  • He was appointed as Vice Chairman and Board Member of the Petroleum Corporation for Operations on 23rd of June 1976.
  • He was appointed as the Egyptian Deputy in the Board of Directors of the Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company one of the companies of the Organization of the Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries OAPEC, and he was also appointed as a member of the National Investment Bank Directors, then the Chairman of the Petroleum Research Council and member of the Board of the Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University.
  • He was appointed as Chairman of the Petroleum Corporation in October 1980 and kept his position after he was appointed Minister of Petroleum in 1984 till May 1991.​

  • He was born on the 4th of October 1935.
  • He was graduated from the Faculty of Engineering Petroleum section, Cairo University in 1958.
  • ​​He obtained the Petroleum Economies Engineering Diploma from Moscow University in 1960.​
  • He was trained in several centers and petroleum companies in the USA during his preparation for his PHD in 1961.
  • He started working in 1963 as a production Engineer in the Eastern Petroleum Company for 3 years.
  • He worked as a lecturer in the Faculty of Engineering - Al Azhar University in 1966.
  • He worked for nine years in the Western Desert Petroleum Company (WEPCO) since 1968 and become Assistant to the Senior Engineer then a General Manager for the General Department of Operations.
  • He was appointed as Chairman of the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO) in 1977 for 11 years.​
  • He was appointed as the Chairman of the EGPC for 3 years in 1988.
  • He was appointed Minister of Petroleum in 1991, till October1999.
  • He was the first to promote the use of Natural Gas as a fuel for vehicles and the expansion of the natural gas network for Houses and its use for air conditioning.  ​

  • He was Born in Cairo on the 14th of August 1949
  • Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University Chemical Engineering Department in June 1973.
  • Appointed as projects Economies Expert at the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) in November 1987.
  • Appointed as Planning General Manager at the EGPC in November 1988.
  • Vice - Chairman of the EGPC for projects and planning in May 1993.
  • Appointed as the Chairman of MIDTAP and vice-Chairman of MIDOR in January 1997.
  • He was appointed as the Petroleum Minister in October 1999, till Feb., 2011.​

  • He was born in Cairo on 3rd July 1951.
  • In 1974, he was graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Petroleum Department, Cairo University.
  • He Occupied several positions at Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company (GUPCO) where he started as Petroleum Reservoir Engineer in 1974.
  • In 1995, he joined Khalda Petroleum Company in the position of Deputy Operations General Manager and Board of Directors’ Member until 1998 when he was appointed as the Chairman’s Assistant and Deputy General Manager for Operations and Board of Directors’ Member.​
  • In 1999, occupied the position of Vice Chairman for Natural Gas at the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC).
  • In 2001, he occupied the position as the Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director of the Egyptian Natural Gas Company (GASCO).
  • In 2003, he occupied the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Petroleum Company (GPC).
  • In September 2007, he was appointed Chairman of the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS).
  • He was elected as the OME Chairman.
  • He was appointed Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources in 22 Feb., 2011.
​ ​

  • He was born in 1954.
  • He holds a Bachelor degree of Petroleum engineering in 1976 from Cairo University.
  • He began his career as an engineer in the Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company. “GUPCO”
  • Then he served as general manager of the engineering department of the company.
  • He was appointed as the head of the Central Department of exploration and production at the Ministry of Petroleum in 2004.
  • He served as a deputy to the head of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation for production in 2007.
  • He was appointed head of the Khalda Petroleum Company in 2008.
  • He was appointed head of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation in early 2010.
  • He took over the position of the Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources in 2011, until August 2012.

  • B.Sc. (Chemical Engineering) 1982 – Cairo University.
  • August 2012 till May 2013 ​​ ​​Minister of Petroleum & Mineral Resources (Arab Republic of Egypt)
  • June 2010 till August 2012 President & Chairman of the Board - Egyptian Petrochemicals Holding Co. (ECHEM)​
  • March 2009 – June 2010 Chairman & C.E.O, MISR FERTELIZERS PRODUCTION CO. “MOPCO”
  • Jan. 2002 – March 2009​ ​​ Vice President & Member of the Board - Egyptian Petrochemicals Holding Co. (ECHEM)
  • Jan. 2000 – Jan. 2002 Assistant to the Chairman (PETROJET
  • Apr. 1984 – Jan. 2000 Manager of Projects (ENPPI)
  • July 1980 – March 1984 Operation Engineer (WATER SERVICES DIA – EGYPT)

    • Minister of Petroleum & Mineral Resources ( 7th May 2013 ) till 15th July 2013.
    • Date of Birth: 20 October 1953.
    • Education and Languages: BSc. Mechanical Engineering Power Cairo University 1976.
    • Experience: Chairman of Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC) 3rd Jan., 2013 – 7th May 2013. Egyptian German Pumps Manufacture Ruhrpumpen Egypt 2008 – 3rd Jan., 2013.
    • Vice Chairman & CEO Achievement: Manufacture of API centrifugal pumps for the Oil Sector in Egypt​
    • Arab Petroleum Pipelines co. SUMED1976 – 2008

    • Minister of Petroleum & Mineral Resources ( 16th July 2013 ) till 18th Sep 2015.
    • Date of Birth 6/7/1955
    • Marital Status Married with a son and a daughter
    • University Qualifications​ Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanics 1978, Ain Shams University (general estimate, very good)
    • Career
      • 1978- 1979​ Engineer at Mobil Company for research and exploration.
      • 1979 – 2000 Worked at Enppi Co. till the position of General Manager for Technical Affairs and Member of the Board of Directors..
      • 2000 – 2005 Undersecretary of the Ministry of Petroleum for Petroleum Operations and Gas Affairs.
      • 2005 – 2007 Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS).
      • 2007 – 2013 Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ganoub el Wadi Petroleum Holding Company (GANOPE).
      • 16th July 2013He was appointed Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.
      • 12th of September 2015Assigned as Egypt’s Prime Minister.​

    Received his B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering Cairo University in 1986.

    Joined Chevron (Egypt) in Jan. 1987.

    Worked in different fields and held various positions in Engineering, Operations, Planning, Sales and Marketing.

    • In 1998, he became Sales Manager and Member of the Board of Directors of Chevron Egypt S.A.E.
    • During the period from 2002 till 2008, he got several Chevron assignments and managed projects in Dubai, Kenya & Singapore.
    • In 2008 he became Managing Director – Marketing of Chevron Egypt.

    From 2008 till end of 2010, he moved to Chevron South Africa, held the position of Regional Manager in charge of South & Central Africa's Commercial & Industrial Business.

    In Jan. 2011, he joined Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (  EGPC ) . During the period from (2011 – 2013) he held the positions of Deputy CEO for Foreign Trade, Deputy CEO for Internal Trade and Deputy CEO for Operations.

    In Aug. 2013, He was appointed as EGPC's CEO .

    On 19th  Sept. 2015, he was appointed as Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources.

    On 10th   May 2017, the French President awarded him the " Ordre National de la Legion D'Honneur" at the rank of Knight.

    On  10th    November  2020,  the President  of  the Hellenic  Republic  awarded  him the "  Grand
    Commander  of  the Order  of Phoenix "